Now you can afford to have a SSL 24 Duality SE at your fingertips ... outboard gear included

Incredible! $ 66,900 + $5,900 (racks 1 & 2)

Solid State Logic Duality SE 24, (mfg date: May 2011, Serial #D186) in use at Living Arts College, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Excellent condition, running V2 firmware, upgradable to V3 & V4
The sad story behind the sale of SSL Duality at Living Arts College
... and how you may benefit
outboard studio package

Find the following in two rack cabinets alongside SSL Duality at Living Arts College
RACK 1 w/Furman PL-8 power conditioner
- Two Empirical Labs EL*-X Distressor w/British Mod
- API 10 slot 500V w/PSU and 8 mods (list below)
- Yamaha SPX2000 Multi FX Processor
- Lexicon MPX110 Dual Chnl Effects Processor
- Monster PRO 3500 Power Conditioner
RACK 2 w/ Furman M-8Dx Power Conditioner
- MAC Mini bridged Avid HD Card
- Lynx Aurora N Cable Signal Converter
- Digidesign 96 I/O
- Lexicon PCM 92 Reverb & Effects Processor
- Sonnet Echo 3 Thunderbolt to Express 3 Slots
- Genelect AD9200A Analog to Digital Converter
- HearTech HearBack Hub
FYI: Current replacement new/used market cost for Racks 1 & 2 above is $23,149 ... this gear included in our under market sale price of $5,900 (R1 & R2) when purchased with console $66,900 ...$8,900 without the console firm
- See set opposite left
Five Genelec 8130A Monitor Speaker Amplifier + Genelec 7261A SubWoofer ... available sperately ... $2,500 (plus sales tax/shipping)

... populated with 2Xea Chandler Little Devil Compressor, API 512c Mic Preamp, Great River MP-500NV Mic Preamp, Great River Harrison 32EQ Equalizer ... included in Rack 1

For information contact:
Roger Klietz, President & Creative Director
Cell: 561-379-0429
A "live" phone call or text is preferred.
SSL Duality SE 24 with outboard gear offered below market to qualified buyers
This can be a complete studio package including - Console - Outboard Racks 1 & 2 - 6 Genelec Speaker/Amp Set
Why not fly in and check out the studio ... and we'll help pack and prep for shipping. Sale price plus sales tax , crating and shipping.
Snapshot of current market pricing ...
New SSL Duality Delta 24 - $135,000
Used SSL Duality SE 24 - seen on Internet priced at $74,000 without outboard gear and speaker/amps